Please email us, please attach photo and details what the problem may be and we will do our best to resolve it as quickly as possible. We will re-send new parts if required at no cost for you.
Refund Policy
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Refund policy
We are very sorry if our products arrive damaged or in some way not as ordered, please contact us and will do our best to resolve any issue that might have occurred.
Did you receive your order with missing parts or defect parts?
Do you want to request a full refund/return?
From the time you receive the package and thereby being able to open it, you have 10 days to contact us and request a refund/return of the product in question. After 10 days we no longer accept a full refund.
Method of refund
Once your refund/return request is accepted we will issue an RMA number and ask you to send the product back to us. You pay the return shipping cost back to us.
Return the product back to us:
The product must be send back to our office adress – You will get a full refund incl the shipping cost(from us to you). If you ordered express shipping initially from us to you, we will not refund express shipping cost-
We will refund you using the same payment method that you used when ordering.
Refund/return contact info
Please contact us via email:, we will reply within 0-48 hours mon-friday(work days). If we do not reply back, send us a new email if the first email may have been lost in the cyberspace for any reason.
Product condition upon return
In order to receive a full refund as mentioned above, the product must be returned complete with all parts included. Upon arrival at our office we will examine the product returned and within 48 hours refund you.
Please send us an email to: